The Vampire Piggy Hunter appears!
Vampire Piggy Hunter strikes! He almost looks Irken...
Those are some creepy flaming piggies!
Gaz’s eyes wide open in shock.
That’s a disturbing name for a gaming console.
Gaz cannot believe her eyes!
Professor Membrane watches Gaz ditch her old Game Slave.
Not a good idea to let Gaz leave the house with that...
Professor Membrane won’t allow this. Good.
Professor Membrane takes the bat away. Gaz is disappointed.
Gaz is angry! Descent into the Inferno! Just order a Game Slave 2 online, Gaz...
Dib lost in the parking garage of the mall.
Iggins is a jerk, but Gaz needs to learn that it isn’t right to torture people who invoke her wrath...
Gaz relentlessly stalks Iggins to the car. Just let it go, Gaz...
Was that really necessary, Gaz? I’m telling Professor Membrane!
Iggins steals Gaz’s Game Slave 2... so she steals an innocent kid’s scooter. Nice, Gaz...
Iggins enjoying his new game.
Gaz looking creepy out in the pouring rain...
All this horror and drama over a Vampire Piggy game!?
Gaz has gone too far, breaking into Iggins’ house!
Iggins runs away frantically while holding his game.
Who has an emergency battery container??? Only Iggins...
Gaz with one eye popping out as she holds the batteries hostage!
Gaz: “The rightful order has finally been restored.”
Gaz looking grouchy, as per usual.
Dib wanders past the busted elevator.
The immortal Iggins lives! Gamers don’t die - they respawn!