Invader Poonchy is an unfinished episode of Invader Zim. It was planned for final animation production on the episode to start on January 18, 2002, but the series was cancelled the day before that date.
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To once again throw off his classmates' suspicion that he is an alien, Zim makes it look like Poonchy, another classmate, is the real Irken Invader and that Zim is just a decoy. He takes the idea a step further to make Dib believe that Poonchy really is an alien by planting Irken technology into Poonchy's room. Zim manages to fool Dib by disguising himself as a member of the "Swollen Meatball" conspiracy theory group.
Zim watches the proceedings from overhead in his ship, but smugness becomes horror when he realizes that Poonchy really has one of his superweapons, and hastily stops Poonchy before he wreaks destruction on the planet with his "new video game". After saving everyone, Dib goes to jail and the cops eat Poonchy's dinner.
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- Zim, Ground Troops - Richard Steven Horvitz
- Gir - Rosearik Rikki Simons
- Dib - Andy Berman
- Poonchy, Dr. Spanky - Paul Greenberg
- Newscaster - Candi Milo
- Ted Sluchy, General - Dwight Schultz
Facts of Doom[]
- The day before the crew of Invader Zim planned to start animation on "Invader Poonchy" and "Nubs of Doom", Nickelodeon cancelled the series, thus making it pointless to make the episode.
- If Nickelodeon had cancelled the series on January 18, 2002 instead of January 17, 2002, "Nubs of Doom" and "Invader Poonchy" would have been completed episodes. This is because once the animation process begins, Nickelodeon cannot get the episodes scrapped because of the production budget being moved forward and submitted, thus they would actually lose profit.
- According to Eric Trueheart, he and the crew had just sat down to start work on storyboards for "Invader Poonchy" when they were called in to a meeting with network executives. It was at this meeting they were told the series was cancelled "effective immediately" and told to clear their desks.
- This would have been the fifth time Zim saved the Earth. The first was in "Planet Jackers" the second is in "Hamstergeddon", the third is in "Lice", the fourth in "Tak: The Hideous New Girl", and sixth would have been in "Squishy: Hugger of Worlds".
- There is storyboard and background art for this episode as revealed in The Art of Invader Zim.
- This would have been the second time that Dib gets arrested. The first was in Mortos der Soulstealer.