The Children of the Bright and Shining Saucer, also known as the "Saucer Morons" due to their obsessions and the episode they appeared in, are a cult of people who worship extraterrestrials, and are dedicated to finding proof of alien life (although most of their "artifacts" are fake).
They usually set up camp in the middle of The City park, where they hold their UFO Conventions.
Adult Dib[]
An "adult version" of Dib appeared amongst the group when Zim's disguise was torn off, and could also be seen in the tent with an undisguised Zim. His head was swallowed by the Pig-disguised Voot Carrier, and was body slammed by it when Zim tackled Trudy and the controls.
Desmond Flapp[]
Leader of the group, he "interprets alien messages". He holds the conventions and is an odd, old man. He was the first of the saucer morons to see Zim out of disguise and it was he who changed the date of the UFO Convention and therefore drive the plot of the episode, once he got his hands on the Voot Cruiser he choose to display it in front of his fellow members.
He also shares a striking resemblance to the evil scientist Dr. Neo Cortex from the Crash Bandicoot franchise.
Voiced by Fred Tatasciore.
Frank Conniff[]
A man who "foretold the prophecy" of Zim coming to them. He is based on a staff member of the Invader Zim crew; better known as the actor who played TV's Frank on Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
Jhonen Vasquez[]
Jhonen Vasquez made a cameo in this episode as one of the Saucer Morons. He is found about eight minutes into the episode, when the Saucer Morons bow down to Zim telling him they're his "loving servants", and again when he leaves the tent with GIR, in fact this could be one of the few moments in the series where creator and creation meet eye to eye.
A burly woman who ensures the security of the "artifacts".
Voiced by Mary Scheer.
A scrawny and pidgeon toed lady who left her husband to commune with the Blotch in "Mysterious Mysteries". Zim shoved her off of the Voot Carrier and into a pond when she tried to come with him during his escape.
Voiced by Mary Scheer.
A brute of a man who manages the initiation rites.
A seemingly middle aged balding fat man, who only wears his boxer shorts and a green tank top. He asked Zim to "bless the corns on his toes" after Frank reiterates his prophecy.
Voiced by Frank Conniff.
Facts of Doom[]
- In the show bible, the saucer morons were originally called the "Friends Of The Purdy Saucer".
- They are some of the only people besides Dib and Gaz to know that Zim is an alien, but it’s highly unlikely that they also know about the Irken Empire as well, as all their beliefs are based on guesswork.
- Ironically Dib is not a member of the group despite the fact that they are people that believe in aliens, although an adult version of Dib could be seen.
- The Saucer Morons made their sole appearance in "Attack of the Saucer Morons" as a collective, but individual members are scattered throughout other episodes.